Positions of Netball players

In netball players are assigned areas of the court in which they are only allowed to go into. If they step into the restricted area they are called up for "off-side".

The players wear bibs with the initials of their position that they hold.

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Picture shows, where each player stands, at the start or reset of a game. The half circles are the goal areas. The small circle in the middle is where the center must stand at the start of each game or reset to pass the ball. The court is broken up into thirds, the middle third and 2 goal thirds. e.g The Red team's goal shoot is in the opposing team's goal circle and goal third.


Center (C) (The center is an attacker and defender)

The center is the player that starts the game when it's their teams turn to throw the ball. The center stands in the small circle in the middle of the netball court. 

The center is allowed anywhere on the court except their and the opposing team's goal circle.

Wing Attack (WA)

The wing attack helps with the feeding of the ball into the goal circle to the shooters. At the restart or start of a game they are positioned at the top of there team's goal third. They face the center and are vital in getting the ball to the goal shooters.

The wing attack is only allowed in 2 thirds of the court. The opposition's third and goal third, but not in the goal circle.

Goal Attack (GA)

The goal attack, goes on attack and either feeds the ball into the goal circle to the shooter, and can also shoot the ball into the hoop.

They are only allowed in the center third, opposition's goal third and goal circle.

Goal Shoot (GS)

The goal shoot, stays in the opposing team's goal circle, trying to get the ball to shoot into the netball hoop. They will try get away from the goal defenders.

They are only allowed in the opposing team's goal area and goal circle.


Wing Defense (WD)

The wing defense defends the goal third, they keep the ball from entering their goal third. 

They are only allowed in the center third, their goal third, but not the goal circle.

Goal Defense (GD)

The goal defense, defense their goal area. They try to prevent the opposition from getting the ball into the goal circle. They are on the defense, ensuring the opposing team's shooter's can't get a shot at the goal.

They are only allowed in the center third, their goal third and goal circle.

Goal Keeper (GK)

The goal keeper, defends their goal. They keep the goal shooter from getting the ball and taking a shot.

They are only allowed in their goal third and goal circle.

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